Monday, November 11, 2013

Ramblings about me and mine!

Hey There!
After countless hours of stalking other blogs [ guilty ] and completely debating on whether or not to start my own, here I am.
I figure it's a great way to look back at my life, to remember all that I am blessed with. It is a way for my family to follow our daily lives since we are often so far away from home with the military. And an even better way for me to express my love of children's fashion, photography, and modern products. {mostly baby ;) }

I am completely new at this so please.. Bare with me!

Please note: while you are looking at this blog with the thought in mind, "this girl is totaly un-creative, look at how lame this blog is" Just know it's a work in progress. I work with limited internet, and I'm still trying to figure out how this whole 'designing a blog' thing works ;)

Here it goes...

A little about me, and my family.

My Name is Heather, I was born January 5th! I grew up with 2 amazing parents. Though they divorced, They have stayed great friends (total bonus) and have now given me awesome step- parents as well. Thats all history!

On March 25th, 2011 I married the most amazing man ever, Luke. My highschool sweetheart! He is my best friend, my hero, and the love of my life! We married young, I was still in high school, and he had just ran off and joined the army! Our story is long and boring so I will spare you!

June of that same year, we found out we were expecting our first child! We waited and waited and finally found out it was a.... BOY! We were completely geeked! A few months later on March 9th, we welcomed Bentley Cashton into the world. Our pride and joy.

Months past, Bentley grew.. and bam.. another bun in the oven! With a deployment quickly aproaching this came as a total shock. We waited, and waited, and waited.. and finally at 32 weeks we found out we were expecting a baby girl! We tossed up every name in the book and just a few weeks before luke deployed we decided on a name!

August came, the month we were dreading.. Deployment month. We soaked up our last few days together as a family, zoo trips, the watermark.. and lots and lots of cuddles.
The dreaded day came, and with a lot of tears, we said our good-byes... more like see you laters, because those arn't permanent.

As september came, I finally received an accurate due date.. a month sooner then originally planned! September 9th! September 9th came, no baby. I was okay with that.. so much to do, and all alone. September 10th they set an induction date of the 12th, so that luke could be apart of the birth via Skype.

We didn't make it quite to induction time! 11:25am September 12th.. I welcomed Kasyn Brynn into the world!

Kasyn is now 2 months old! Doesn't time fly with littles?! It's sad really!

Anyways, now you know a bit about my life. I promise my following posts won't be so boring! I am a picture fanatic.. so think of this post with no pictures as a break!

until next time,


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