Thursday, November 28, 2013

missing in action

First off, to those that celebrate. . HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Please make sure to stuff your pretty little faces consistantly with the food you've been waiting on all year! ;)

On another note, I wanted to appoligize for being missing in action the past few days. I will get another gift guide out here within the next few days, so you have time to shop for the holidays,  but if you're anything like me you have barely even started!

So monday we went to the doctor for Kasyn's 2 month check up, and didn't recieve the news we were hoping for. I will give you a good bit of info on whats going on..

From the time I started having contactions to the time Kasyn was born was all of 45 minutes. So fast infact I didn't make it to labor and delivery and she was instead born at our small little towns tiny ER! With her quick delivery came a few medical problems and due to the fact that she wasn't born in a labor and delivery hospital we were transfered there by ambulance,  so it took her some time to get the care she needed. She spent 1 night in the nicu due to high fever and low blood sugars. She was having some issues breathing, but they seemed to look past it, and blamed it on her quick and traumatic birth. A few days later we were released to go home. We went in 2 days later for a check-up where she tested positive for jaundice- no big deal. She had also droped from her 8.2 birth weight to 6.11. Doctors thought that wasnt a healthy weight loss and had us return 3 days later for a weight check.. she was down even more... in and out for the following 2 weeks for weight checks and she finally started gaining, and we were told she didnt need to be seen again until 2 months. I had brought up her breathing again, and they didn't seem concerned at all, and again told me she didn't need to be seen again until her 2 months. I knew something wasn't right, so I took to good ole google on my own to see if weight gain and troubles breathing could be associated with anything. I started single searching the things I noticed her doing.. snorting, snoring, gasping for air, choking.. and 1 thing poped up, sleep apnea. Rare in babies, but possible. Called the doctors and again, they didn't think it was an issue, and they'd see her back at 2 months.

So, her 2 month check up was monday. She still isn't to a healthy acceptable weight, only a few ounces past birth weight. I again brought up her breathing,  not worried, I finally (which I should have done from the beginning.) Told the doctor I wanted another oppinion,  and wasn't leaving untill I had one. So she sent another doctor in, and I asked her to leave the room so I could speak with him on my own. He assessed her listened to my worries, and immediately ordered her a chest x-ray. He also had an appointment with a cardiologist set up within 10 minutes, and put in an order for a 24/7 apnea machine. Finally someone listened to me!

We go back next thursday to see the cardiologist,  as well as a weight check, and then we go from there.

So, that's what I've been up too. I'm sorry for the delayed posts, I'm just trying to get to know this machine and snuggle both my babies a little closer. With my husband deployed I'm just a one woman team! I will continue to keep you all updated, and things will get easier as soon as I figure out a schedule!

I will post an IG update (follow me at @heatherleeighclark) when the gift guides are up!


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