Saturday, March 1, 2014

Maybe the terrible twos really aren't so "terrible"

Recently I got together with a few friends at a local bounce house for the kids to let go of some of the energy they've been hanging on to from being cooped up this winter!

We were all reminescing on our "what were" sweet innocent little babies, that have now turned into terrible hard-headed toddlers. The place where we once cuddled and read books, has now turned into a war zone of toys in mid-air, and lots of time-outs.

We all wish it away at some point or another, I know I have. The words "I can't wait for this stage to Pass" come out all to often, But this got me thinking.. As much as the terrible twos come entirely with their own challenges, they also come with milestones we really don't want to wish away. Even in the hard moments my toddler still amazes me with the little imagination and strong willed spirit he is developing! Even in his dispondent "NO's" He is learning how to stand up for himself, and developing a voice of his own. (even if its not always rights!)

After we got home that day, I really decided to pay attention to H and the things he threw tantrums about, and just the way he played, what made him happy and how he socialized with me. . Here are 10 ways to work past and the reasons why to love the "terrible twos."

1. Options
Give your growing tot options. I have realized that if I give H two choices, things go SO much smoother. I have started to offer 2 lunch choices, so instead of just making something and sticking him at the table only to get frustrated that he won't eat, I simply get out the ingredients for a PB&J or everything we need to make mac and cheese and then let him decide! This doesn't always mean he won't still stretch his arms out for that cookie I forgot to hide after my morning indulgence while he was napping, and then not eat what I made.. but it has defiantly seems to make meal time much easier!

2. They are willing little helpers
Toddlers are notorious for the "I can do it on my owns" and its true they can.. so let them. Everytime I sweep or vacuum H wants to help, so I went out and got him some of his own toddler sized cleaning supplies. I even let him pick them out, and he LOVED it. He picked out a Mini dyson vacuum and he got an adorable little sweeping set for christmas from his Mimi and Gpa. (as he calls them!)
When I am sweeping he instantly grabs his little broom and dust pan to help. The second I get the vacuum out he is right there with his. When I fold laundry he always wants to rip it all apart so i figured out if i left him with his own miniature sized pile for him to "fold" on his own! I also filled up little bottles I got from the dollar isle at target with water, so that when I am cleaning the windows, Bentley can "clean" a different window. (I usually send him to the ones I haven't cleaned so I don't have to redo them, but sometimes he decided to hit up the same one I'm on.. and that OK too.)

3. They are tender-hearted
Even through his tantrums, I see the love H has for everything. He is always picking out toys from the basket to hand to his baby sister, or chasing after the dog to give him big hugs. And I certainly don't mind the random kisses that he now knows how to give!

4. They don't Judge
You know that shoe you just tripped over? Or the immensely bad hair day you're having. Your toddler won't judge you for that. He is a kind hearted spirit who sees new faces and new people as friends, instead of picking out their flaws before even getting to know them. They smile and make small talk with complete strangers which is a trait most people loose as adults.

5. Simplicity is their best friend
My little man delights in life's smallest pleasures. He enjoys throwing rocks, and picking flowers. He is the happiest boy in the world when I open the door for him in the morning and greats me with a smile.

6. Imagination
He makes rocket ships out of boxes, and forts out of pillows and blankets. He plays with pop bottles in the tub and pretends they are pirate ships. He "drives" blocks around the carpet pretending they are cars. I love it. I love watching his imagination run wild.

7. Opinionated
Sure toddlers are opinionated. They don't care if you are in the grocery store packed full of angry shoppers when they scream bloody murder and pitch a fit. But teenagers are opinionated too, and I would much rather vocally brawl with a toddler when I know where I stand, and that he will forget about it and return to his (mostly) happy self shortly. And either way, you may not have any clue what he is trying to tell you, but you have a pretty good chance of distracting him with something else! ;)

8. Nothing better to do
Fits that last all day mean nothing to a toddler. They have nothing better to do. Think of it as a "get out of jail free card." If you tell someone you were late because you were managing a tantrum, you'll most likely be met with sympathy rather than anger. So instead of stressing to not be running behind a  few minutes. Stop, take a deep breath of air.. and continue getting ready. Don't rush, they are only this little once.

9. Kisses are practically magic
That little scratch he got from riding his bike is quickly healed with a quick little kiss. H shut his finger in the door the other day, and a quick kiss a cuddle from mom was a cure all,  those heart-wrentching little alligator tears suddenly faded and he was back to playing and laughing in seconds.

10. You are his hero
He doesn't care about the hulks super strength or Spiderman's ability to swing with his web from building to building and climb walls. He watches YOU. You are molding him into the young man he will become. He finds enjoyment from watching you cook, and thinks you are the coolest person ever when you jump in the air, or do anything that is new to him. So just remember when you are having a bad day, your are setting the bar for who he will become.

On those days when you feel like you've had enough and you just can't take anymore.. remember, they are only this little once. These little imaginations will fade with time and all you will have left of them are the memories you once made with your little tot. So with that said.. even though H just woke up from his nap and is fussing and throwing a fit because the snack I gave him wasn't the one he wanted.. I'm not going to stress, and we are going to go make more memories!

Leave some love, and share with us how you make or have made the best of the terrible twos!


1 comment:

  1. Love this! Mine is just 15 months old--but he can throw hissy fits like nobody's business. At this stage its him being really bored and a simple "new" thing to do helps. Nice tip on the food-I find myself getting super frustrated and feeling like a short order cook. Sometimes we do have to just breathe and realize they aren't doing it on purpose to make our days bad.
